Therapy Services

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Child therapy is a specialized form of therapy that aims to address the emotional, behavioral, and psychological needs of children. Each session involves using a variety of age-appropriate techniques and approaches that are tailored to the child's individual needs. My goals as a child therapist is to build rapport and trust with the child, create a safe and nurturing environment, establish clear goals for therapy, and utilize play therapy, expressive arts, family therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help the child express their feelings and emotions in a healthy way, develop coping skills, and move toward healthier relationships with others. Therapy for your child is an effective way to support their mental health and well-being and can lead to positive outcomes for the child, your family, and your child's future.

Adult Therapy

Therapy is a powerful tool for those adults who want to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing. Each session, you are working toward gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships, learning healthy coping skills and identifying negative patterns that no longer serve you. In therapy sessions, you and I will collaborate to establish goals, create a safe space for processing, and utilize therapeutic strategies and techniques that challenge you. Most importantly, therapy allows you to take care of yourself and move toward emotional freedom so you can live a healthy and fulfilled life. 

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and reducing patterns of dysfunction within the family system. Each session, all members of the family work together to identify problematic patterns of interaction and develop strategies to improve them. In sessions, family members often begin to recognize that individual issues are often connected to the larger family dynamics and, as a team, we work to address these underlying issues to create lasting change. The process of Family Therapy can help family members can gain new insights and perspectives, improve relationships, and ultimately improve their overall well-being. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a form of therapy where individuals with similar life experiences come together in a safe and supportive environment to learn about themselves, find  meaning in your experience, and move toward a collective healing. It's a powerful tool for healing and growth because it helps members learn from one another's experiences, build meaningful connections, and realize that you are not alone. In group therapy, everyone has a voice and everyone is valued.


Alcohol and Drug Assessments and Parenting Assessments are offered as a service. These assessments are often needed to determine a need for therapeutic or psychoeducational services, to satisfy court orders, or for other evaluation purposes. 

A parenting assessment is a formal evaluation process used to determine the strengths and areas for growth of parents or caregivers in providing for their children's needs. It helps identify the parents' abilities, beliefs, and practices that affect their parenting, such as their emotional availability, discipline strategies, communication skills, and understanding of child development. Parenting assessments may include observations, interviews, questions, and surveys. Recommendations will be made based on the assessor's experience with the parent or caregiver. Assessments aim to inform decisions about custody, adoption, child protection, or intervention programs.

An alcohol and drug assessment is another formal evaluation tool used to evaluate a person's relationship with alcohol and drugs. It provides insight into the extent of substance use and any associated problems or concerns. The assessment usually involves a series of questions and discussions about an individual's history of substance use, current behaviors, and any physical or emotional symptoms that may be present. Recommendations will be made from the assessment and can be used to determine the level of treatment needed for the individual. 

Wellness Workshops 

Wellness workshops are scheduled, purposeful gatherings that focus on improving individuals' physical, mental, and emotional health. Through a range of activities, participants can gain self-awareness, process life experiences, and learn healthy coping skills to maintain their well-being. These workshops cover a broad spectrum of topics, including trauma processing through expressive arts, stress management, social skills, coping skills, mindfulness, and inner child healing. Attending a wellness workshop can empower you to make positive changes that benefit your emotional well-being and bring healing and hope to your life.